Thursday, February 23, 2012

How to Keep a Spark in a Long Term Relationship

By: Demetrius Sewell

In the early stages of a romantic relationship, couples literally can’t keep their hands off of each other. They call each other all the time or constantly want to be together. As the relationship, however, grows into something long-term, some couples trade in the excitement of a new relationship for security, thus allowing the heat of the sparks to become fleeting and lukewarm. Sparks can infer different things for different couples such as physical attraction, lust or closeness. Regardless of the type of sparks that occurred in your long-term relationship, you can keep the heat and passion alive.

* Dispel relationship myths. Relationships — especially ones that are long-term — aren’t easy. You’re going to have to put in some effort to keep the sparks going. Thus, you have to replace the relationship myths with truths. Relationships need constant attention.

* Date regularly. Couples who have dated or been married for a long time stop dating. To keep sparks in the relationship present, go on a date at least once a week or every other week. You need together time.

* Communicate with each other. Don’t wait for an argument to tell your partner that you’re unhappy or feeling neglected. A long-term relationship requires direct, ongoing and open dialogue. When you talk with your partner, you want to be assertive but respectful.

* Maintain individuality. For couples, two things tend to occur: you put yourself second to the person or relationship or you give up what’s important to you. Instead, remember that you have needs and desires that may be different from your partner — and that's fine. Sometimes couples need to spend time doing things they enjoy to keep the sparks going.

* Change the routine. Long-term relationships can move from lovers to friends mode, if you’re not careful. Try to keep things romantic and sexy. Surprise your partner with a change in your routine. Take your partner for an impromptu lunch or send a gift for no reason. Also, try new things like playing sports or visiting a museum.

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